Maya Rogers-Bursen
Founder & Clinician
Chandani Post Adoption Counseling
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A Bit About Me
My name is Maya Rogers-Bursen and I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and a Registered Art Therapist (ATR). I am an adoption competent therapist and a transracial, international adoptee, adopted from India when I was six months old.
I graduated from Lesley University with a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling with a Specialization in Art Therapy in 2016. I did my undergraduate program at Lesley as well, graduating in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Art Therapy. Throughout my time at Lesley I had the opportunity to do multiple year long internships. As an undergraduate I interned at Y.O.U. Inc. The Wetzel Center, The Children's Room, and Dana Farber Cancer Institute: The Jimmy Fund. I did my graduate level internships at Boston Post Adoption Resources (BPAR) and at JRI Pelham Academy. From there I completed my post graduate work hours at The Home For Little Wandered as an In-Home Therapist and once licensed in 2018 I transitioned to Boston Post Adoption Resources full time. In April of 2022 I opened Chandani Post Adoption Counseling, my own private practice focused on supporting adoptees and families as they navigate the post adoption journey.
I worked closely with BPAR for eight years and continue to use them as an important resource for this community. BPAR was my guiding mentor in learning how important this specific work is. I opened my own private practice to continue providing post adoption support to adoptees and families in the adoption constellation.
To hear more about my personal adoption story please click below! My story led me here and I am so excited to build this post adoption community with you!
Work Experience
April 2022 - Present
October 2014 - April 2022
September 2016 - March 2019
Chandani Post Adoption Counseling
Founder & Clinician
At Chandani my goal is to provide post adoption support to those in the adoption community and continue educating the community on how valuable thisvwork is. I hope to share my story with the world and create spaces to have the important adoption conversations.
Boston Post Adoption Resources
Graduate Level Clinical Intern, Clinician, Group Facilitator, Fundraising Coordinator
During my time at BPAR I had the opportunity to shift into different roles and understand different layers of therapy and running an organization. As an Intern I learned the foundation, as a clinician I supported families as they explored the post adoption journey. As a group facilitator I worked with adoptees ranging in age from eight to adult. My main focus in groups was to provide a safe space for connection and learning about the adoptee experience. I was also the fundraising coordinator for BPAR which allowed me to share with others how important BPAR is as a resource to the adoption community.
The Home For Little Wanderers
Mental Health Clinician - In Home Therapy
During my time at The Home I worked as an In-Home Therapist, supporting families during increased crisis moments as well as in their day to day. I would coordinate with treatment teams to provide the best care to my families. This experience taught me the importance of family work and the power of giving space to families to explore relationships, communication and sharing a space.